
From a global perspective, the 1980s of the 20th century, after a substantial increase in the company's financial fraud cases. Without absolutely no financial fraud, which it continued to grow and spread, the situation is complex and the list goes on. CPA Audit make an unprecedented crisis of confidence. How to strengthen in the course of auditing the company's financial fraud prevention, and is a certified public accountant facing problems that can not be ignored. In recent years, research results and foreign scholars on the subject in Hong Kong, financial fraud against the company. The audit made a number of practical measures. June 2002 belongs to the New York Stock Exchange "corporate accountability and listing standards committee" with the "listed new governance rules, "July 2002 promulgated the" Sarbanes-Oxley Act. " They are a series of financial fraud in the Enron scandal after the United States launched emergency regulations promulgated by the legislative mechanisms. scholars in the United States reflect its view on this issue and solve this problem, some of the latest research results. January 7, 2002, the China Securities Regulatory Commission and the State Economic and Trade Commission jointly issued the "Corporate Governance Guidelines" The Board of the requirement for listed companies to set up audit committees. February 15, 2006, China's Ministry of Finance held a conference Accounting and Auditing Standards. Accounting Standards issued by 39 and 48 registered accountants auditing standards. Clear criteria for the new levels, new ideas, international convergence and full consideration the national conditions of China, with distinctive features, have a major impact on the audit practice. This paper focused on the company's financial performance and fraud, related to the audit of the CPA should take measures The audit also found fraud in the follow-up to a brief description.
This paper describes the application of standardized methods for the study. The full text of two parts : The first part outlines the concepts and types of company financial fraud, elaborate on the company's financial performance and the reasons for the fraud. The second part, the CPA should pay attention to the company's financial fraud augurs signal to raise the alert; In view of the company's financial performance and fraud, respectively, to discuss the company's audited financial fraud related countermeasures; Finally fraud has been exposed to the additional audit done on the broad

See from the scope of world, the 80's of 20 centuries is after the company finance cheats case large quantity increment.The finance cheats the behavior forbids but did not unique, and develop to spread continuously, numerous and complicated complicacy in its situation, too numerous to enumerate, make the CPA audit suffer the unprecedented trustful of crisis.In audit process how to enhance to cheat to the company finance of against, have been a problem for allowing of no neglecting to register accountant face.In recent years, the domestic and international scholar surrounds the research result of this topic very plentiful, aim at the company finance cheat the behavior, putting forward a lot of slicing the solid viable audit counterplan.2002 June the United States New York stock exchange belongs to of" the company asks the 责 and appears on market the standard committee" put forward the listed company of 《 manage the new rule 》 , promulgating the 《萨 a 斯 - 奥 gram 斯 benefit bill 》 July in 2002.Both are all at safely a series of finance in etc. in affairs cheats the scandal behind the instancy of the United States starts the laws of the lawmaking mechanism promulgation, its reflected the educational circles of the United States to the standpoint of this problem and resolve the latest research in some result of this problem.2002Year on January 7, the Chinese certificate 监 meeting unites to announce with the national economic trade 委 the listed company of 《 manages the standard 》 , requesting the board of directors of the listed company establish the audit committee.In 2006 on February 15, the Ministry of Finance holds the Chinese accountancy the audit standard system announces the meeting, announcing 39 business enterprises accountancy's standard to audit the standard with 48 registrations accountant.The new standard level of structure is clear, the principle is novel, considering well nations tend together with Chinese state of the nation, have the fresh and clear characteristics, the confrontation accounts the work practices to have the important influence.
It expatiated the performance that company finance cheat in this collection of essays with the reason, analyzed the related audit counterplan that CPA should adopt, and cheat to the detection the behind follow-up audit work did the synopsis description.
This text department application norm studies the special subject research that method proceed.The full text divides two parts:The first is part of, Chien said the concept that company finance cheat with the type, it was detailed to expatiated the performance that company finance cheat with the reason.The second is part of, putting forward the CPA should pay attention to the omen signal that company finance cheat, increasing occupation vigilance;Aim at the performance that company finance cheat respectively with the reason, discussed the related audit counterplan that company finance cheat;Finally to cheat the behavior drive after making public of the additional audit does to generalize the sexual introduction.



英语高手帮忙翻译下 汉译英~

Dear customer :
Hereby we assure you that the massage bathtub we sell meet production standards, and all the Ex-warehouse products have been effectively tested.
The test content respectively showed as follows:

Sealing test: test work 24 hours a day
Water spray, spray gas, ozone generator, heating cycle,
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Electrical performance test: test work 24 hours a day
Leakage sensors, radio, motor, computer board, LED.

Your faithfully

Date: Sign+Stamp

近忧伤会让我无力,远虑会让我惆怅。 曾几何时,自信满满的我,那样意气风发。
Recently sorrows make me tired, foresights make me melancholy. Once upon a time, I was full of self-confidence and vigorous spirits
Time flies away, only inclement realities left, it makes me so heavyhearted.

——呓语 Ravings
It is still an ongoing night. Sometimes I feel our lives are so long that we get through each day by counting time.
But sometimes life is so short that we were all scared. Several years have passed in the flip of a finger. Everything has gone in the moment of eyes closed. Aren’t there anything remaining when everything went away as transient as a fleeting cloud?
When I listen to a song that is the most favorable one when I was a student, suddenly I associate many things. I am not of a kind sentimental but just there will be happiness and sadness emerges into my mind. But at the moment, it is late to play without sorrow and anxiety at such an old age.
At the moment, I feel life should be full of choices, passions and efforts. I have wasted the previous year, maybe I was happy, but I did want there is filled with pressures and sufferings. Once I would be intranquil when I was free, but now I will be agitated when I am busying with something. What an awkward and inconsistent age!
How can’t I be sad in such a mediocre year? I believe that one day I will read the true theory of my life but perhaps everything is settled when I read it. I like the uncertainty of life. It reveals that one day maybe you will be failed, succeeding or mediocre. “I am not brave with little age and naive” No one images that those songs sound puerility have obtained a kind of special favor.
I think it is the time to make a decision. No matter what you choose, it is a road which is unclear and will be full of difficulties. To make a decision is not horrible but regret comes from the decision is terribly lethal. No one can say to himself with the following words: “I never regret that those decisions I have made.”
We all get mature from simple. Maybe with year after year, we all forget the meaning of “regret”.
I don’t know what power emerge me to write down these garrulous words. Maybe just a desire burst out from my innermost being. Once hope had turned into hopeless before hope hasn’t become regret. Just leave some memory to finish the end of my life which is true or not.
I never think of turning around when I drill through surging crowd even the light is waning. When can I get to de destination of every road I choose? Just move ahead when you can’t turn around or you have no choose or you can’t choose, because the road is always exiting before us.
Well, I won’t let me be in down, just take for memory!

自己翻译的,希望对你有帮助。每个人都会对自己的人生思考,也有很多人都对自己的生活茫然,不过只要充满梦想,努力追求,相信生活也会很精彩的,不管结果如何。Good luck!

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