
Greatest LoveWhat the greatest love in the world? some say it's the love between lover, but i want to say it's from parents. them brought me into this wonderful world. When i was hurt, them cares about me; when i was hungry, them fit me; when i was sad, them comfort me; when i was mad, them calm me down. them gives whole piece of love for me. except god, who can makes the love such greatful. Them work hard, day and night in dumbly, JUST FOR OUR FAMILY. my heart hurt so bad, and i drop tears of happiness. and i want to tell whole world that i love you mom and dad.



他们白天黑夜的在默默地辛苦工作,只是为我们家。我的心很痛,不知不觉中我滴下了幸福眼泪。我想告诉整个世界,我爱你妈妈和爸爸。 行不?

英语作文 假如你叫李华 在母亲节的第二个星期天 你班上举行了一次学会感恩的主题班会 结合下列要点~

Dear Mum and Dad,

I love Mother so much that I've done many things for her.
In the morning I bought some flowers with my pocket money and put them into the vase,in the afternoon,i went to the market to buy vegetables and meat,when i got home,i made a simple but delicious meal for my family.After dinner,i send a card to my mother,which is made by myself,and told her:happy mothers' day!I also told her to take care of herself,don't overdo,and i promised her that i would help her in doing the housework in the future,my mother was moved to tears,she was very happy! love lihua

Love Our Mothers
We all have our own mothers who give birth to us.From the moment we come to the world,mother devotes her whole life to the family,babysitting us,doing the housework and supporting the family.She loves and cares for us much more than herself.She brings us up with her milk.She buys all kinds of toys for us to play with.She is our first teacher.She teaches us what is right and what is not,and what we should do and what shoudn't.She tells us never to give up anytime and anywhere.What a great mother!
Without mother,without us.So we should respect our mothers.We should care about her heath,her work,talking with them from time to time.In school,we should study hard,and at home we should do the housework,such as the cleaning and the washing.Besides,we should be honest,and don't cheat our mothers.


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