
强栏14778808941:> ...Canada, winning several battles against the soldiers during their flight. But finally, he was forced to give in. 56. Which historic site (on the map)lies in the south ... -
越柳4378:[答案] 56---58 DCB 56.D点评:细节题.首先在地图中找到 Nez Perce Reservation参照,其次看选项:A. Buffalo Eddy位于 south west of NDR;B. Dug Bar同样位于 South west of...

强栏14778808941:> the,is,map,in,south,is,of,the 连词成句 -
越柳4378:[答案] the in the south of the map 如还有疑问,欢迎可以进入乐知各级别英语外教课免费旁听. 希望能帮到您

强栏14778808941:> ...注意:1.每处错误及修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分.      My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week ... -
越柳4378:[答案]My father and I stayed at the South Lake Hotel for a week when we visitBeijing last month.It is in the downtown 1.visited area,butit is easy to go to anywhere from the hotel by public transport. 3.to去掉 We lived in acomfortablydouble-room with a ...

强栏14778808941:> 十五岁男和四十岁女性交可以吗
越柳4378: 基本常识 男方:男的既然能进行性交,估计功能不成问题,年纪轻轻的,精子质量也还可以. 女方:40岁了,有节育措施吗?比如结扎或带环?(生过孩子的基本有节育措施).如果没节育措施,性交时没做避孕措施,只要女方还有月经,就会排卵.既然男女方都没问题,怀孕时迟早的事.但高龄产妇估计比较容易出现流产. 问题是15岁的小男孩,你的心智成熟了吗?找这样年纪的女人是感情使然还是金钱作怪?三思而后行.等长大了方能不后悔. 话有点多了....

强栏14778808941:> 丹阳北到嘉兴南的G7507途经哪些站?
越柳4378: 丹阳北到嘉兴南的G7507这趟高铁的开车时间08:43,预计到达时间10:40,总预计用时01:57. 丹阳北到嘉兴南的G7507中途停靠站时刻表信息如下:站序 - 站名 - 到站时...