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  • 丁强18761378614:> She is sitting between - --- - . You can easily find her. [ ... -
    詹德2985: C

    丁强18761378614:> Andy is - (sit/sitting) - (on/under)the table.he is angrySome (food/water)is falling on the - (wallfloor -
    詹德2985: Andy is_sitting on the table.He is hungry Somefood is falling on the floor.Andy is very_happy. He has a lot of food.The food is delicious_.He takes some food_away.He is__glad______.

    丁强18761378614:> 六年级英语语法复习资料 -
    詹德2985: 六年级英语语法知识汇总英语 2010-05-27 22:02:56 阅读15 评论0 字号:大中小 六年级英语语法知识汇总 一、词类:1、动词:行为动词、be动词、情态动词.(1)行为动词 原形、+s/es、+ed、+ing,具体判断方法如下:(2)be动词 a、Am--...

    丁强18761378614:> Why do they call a sitting room a living room?
    詹德2985: Why do they call a sitting room a living room?I think it may be sensible to call a parlor in a house a sitting room for people can sit,chat and relax in a sitting room.but I really do not understand why the English call a parlour a living room for people do ...

    丁强18761378614:> Alice was sitting curled up in a corner of the great arm - chair. -
    詹德2985: sitting这里是动名词两个动词是was,curled等效于这样2句话1.Alice was sitting2.Alice curled up in a corner of the great arm-chair.上面2句改成并列结构就是你的题目了,并列结构的动词事态一定都一样你看was和curled事态就一样

    丁强18761378614:> - What is behind the door? - There must be a dog sitting behind it. sitting behind it,为什么是sitting?而不是sit 或sat? -
    詹德2985:[答案] 不 用 sat, 因 为 不 是 过 去 时 . 不 用 sit, 因 为 第 三 人 称 单 数 要 用 s: sits. 用 sitting 是 因 为 状 态 正 在 进 行 . A dog is sitting there. A dog is sitting behind the door. There is a dog sitting behind it (the door). There must be a dog sitting behind it.

    丁强18761378614:> boy sitting next to me was painting a heart.伴随状语吗? -
    詹德2985: boy sitting next to me was painting a heart.里面的v-ing 不是伴随状语.boy sitting next to me. 这里sitting next to me是现在分词作定语,修饰boy ,这样就可以替代定语从句,即boy who sit next to me .

    丁强18761378614:> Mary and Hellen take turns sitting up with their sick mother. -
    詹德2985: sit up v.坐起, 端坐, 熬夜 在这句里显然是熬夜的意思.Mary和Hellen夜里轮流起来照顾他们生病的母亲.

    丁强18761378614:> —Sir, would you mind my sitting next to you?— - ---------. My father will sit here in a minute. . -
    詹德2985: D 试题分析:Never mind 没有关系,不要放在心上;Not at all一点也不;Of course not当然不了;You'd better not你最好别.句意:先生,你介意我坐在你旁边吗?根据下文,一分钟后我父亲要坐在这儿.可知前文表示否定含义,选D最符合语境.点评:情景交际的考查是英语考试的重点,做此类题型首先要理解各个选项中句子的含义,然后结合具体语境选择合适答语.回答时一般要遵从以下几个原则:礼貌原则,利他原则和英语文化习惯.平时应注意积累各种习惯用语,了解英美文化的区别,尤其注意不能以中式思维思考英语问题.平时应加强英语阅读,增强语感,多了解一些英语文化方面的知识.