
呼沈13791894167:> sit my face,这句话应该这么理解 -
曹心3947: 应该是 sit on my face 盯着我(看某人时一般都盯着脸看的)歌词: Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too

呼沈13791894167:> absence与absent的意思与区别? -
曹心3947: 它们都是“缺席”的意思,区别如下:一、词性不同 absence是名词,例句: conspicuous by your absence. (本应在场)因缺席而招人注意. absent是形容词,例句: He had an absent look on his face. 他脸上露出心不在焉的神色. 二、...

呼沈13791894167:> eyes on me怎么翻译 -
曹心3947: When never sang my songs on the stage on my own. 当我唱歌时,总是一个人站在舞台上. When never said my words wishing they would be heard. 当我说话时,总是希望你能听见. I saw you smiling at me was it real or just my fantasy. 我看到...

呼沈13791894167:> lt's your gestures and the expression on your face.是什么意思 -
曹心3947: 这句话的意思是:“是你的姿势和脸上的表情.”(1) gesture: 姿势、手势.例如make a rude gesture 做出粗野的姿势; with a gesture of despair 用表示绝望的姿势 ; communicating by gesture 用手势表达.(2) expression: 表情、神色.例如:I don't understand,' he said, with an expression of complete surprise on his face. '我不明白,'他说时脸上显出惊讶的神色. 这句话没有上下文.可能是说,你的姿势和脸上的表情,表达了你内心的意思.

呼沈13791894167:> The village is on a river,这里的on是表示在什么什么旁边.请问on什么情 -
曹心3947: 在coast,river等词前面表示"(坐落) 在…上; 在…旁"时用on. on的具体用法总结如下: (表示接触、支撑) 在…上 例:He is sitting beside her on the sofa.他正挨着她坐在沙发上. 例:On top of the cupboards are straw baskets.橱柜顶上...

呼沈13791894167:> across怎么读 -
曹心3947: across [ə'krɔs] prep. 横过; 越过; 横断, 横切 在对面 遇到 交叉; 成十字形 跨接 横断, 横切 run across the street 横穿马路 sail across the Pacific 横渡太平洋 He lives across the street. 他住在街对面. We came across a new phrase. 我们遇...

呼沈13791894167:> 关于Eyes On Me的歌词you are no dreamer的翻译. -
曹心3947: 原曲是 Shall I be the one for you Who pinches you softly but sure If frown is shown then I will know that you are no dreamer

呼沈13791894167:> baby face,怎么瘦脸啊 -
曹心3947: 四种高效的瘦脸方法1:5分钟脸部消肿法有时由于晚上临睡前喝水太多, 早上起来会发现自己的脸比平常肿了1倍,眼皮也肿肿的,试试这套脸部消肿法,5分钟就可以解决问题.洗脸改变平常洗脸的方式,用温水冷水交互洗脸,来促进血液循...

呼沈13791894167:> absent与absence区别是什么,举例说明 -
曹心3947: Absent: (形容词)1. 不在现场;不存在,缺乏The part was rudimental or absent.2. 不注意,健忘What is commonly called an absent man is commonly either a very weak or a very affected man. (动词)1. 远离,离开Absence: (名词)...