呀呀呀呀呀,you ring my hand 英文歌女生唱的,有点像劲舞的歌 歌词

  糖果盒子 read my mind
  In your eyes you look so weary 你眼中带着疲惫   Fighting light with dark and dreary 在黑暗和枯燥的日子中为光明而战   Even know you can't hear me 也许你听不到我内心的呼唤   I'll still sing 但我依然歌唱   You go to church and pray on Sunday 你周日去教堂祈祷   You think your sins are cleaned that away 你认为这样能够净化你的灵魂   Don't know forgiveness just begins with you 你似乎不怎么明白,宽恕须从你自己开始   If you could read my mind 如果你懂我   Just read my mind 你就尽管看透我的心吧   Then you could see what's behind my eyes 那么,你就可以了解到我隐藏着的爱   If you could read my mind 你真的懂我吗   Your hesitate 你犹豫了吧   Cause the battlefield is tired 因为我们的爱情战场已经疲惫不堪    Get a little bit stupid sometimes 有的时候,我们应该要笨一点   Get a litlle bit jealous sometimes 有的时候,我们的嫉妒心应该要重一点   Sometimes I'll be unfair but that's just me 有时候我总是那么自私,但那就是真正的我   I know that I'm not hiding 我知道我不会逃避   Now wont let your chains bind me 从今更不会让你的枷锁束缚我   Because perfection is not the point of this 因为享受爱情与圆满无关   If you could read my mind 如果你懂我   Just read my mind 你就尽管看透我的心吧   Then you could see what's behind my eyes 那么,你就可以了解到我隐藏的爱   If you could read my mind 你真的懂我吗   Your hesitate 你犹豫了吧   Cause the battlefield is tired 因为我们的爱情战场已经疲惫不堪   If you could read my mind 如果你懂我   Just read my mind 你就尽管看透我的心吧   Then you could see what's behind my eyes 那么,你就可以了解到我隐藏的爱   If you could read my mind 你真的懂我吗   Your hesitate 你犹豫了吧   Cause the battlefield is tired 因为我们的爱情战场已经疲惫不堪   If love made sense 如果爱情是理智的   Then I think there would be a book 那么我想一定有这样一本书   To tell us who is really right and wrong 告诉我们到底谁对谁错   But I don't want something simple 可我并不想得到如此浅显的答案   I don't want to sing a normal song 我并不想哼着这首陈词滥调   Woo......Yeah...... 喔,耶   Close our eyes and let it be 闭上我们的双眼顺从天意吧   Cause the battelefield is...never let it be 我们总是束缚着自己...从不妥协    Come on...let it be 我们解脱吧,好吗   If you could read my mind 如果你懂我   Just read my mind 你就尽管看透我的心吧   If you could read my mind 你真的懂我吗   Your hesitate 你犹豫了吧   Cause the battlefield is tired 因为我们的爱情战场已经疲惫不堪   Let's just close our eyes and let it be 让我们闭上双眼顺从天意吧   Cause the battelefield is tired 因为我们的爱情战场已经疲惫不堪

Ashley Simpson - Outta My Head



Roots - Imagine Dragons
Don't throw stones at me
Don't tell anybody
Woah woah woah
Trouble finds me woah
All the noise of this
Has made me lose my belief
Woah woah woah
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots
Had to lose my way
To know which road to take
Woah woah woah
Trouble found me woah
All I look forward
Washed away by a wave
Woah woah woah
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots
I know it's gotta go like this I know
我知道一切会是这样 我明白
Hell will always come before you grow
在你成熟蜕变之前 绝境总是不期而至
Trouble found me mmm trouble found me
挫折发现我的踪迹 困境总是不期而至
I know it's gotta go like this I know
我知道一切会是这样 我明白
Hell will always come before you grow
在你成熟蜕变之前 绝境总是不期而至
Trouble found me mmm trouble found me
挫折发现我的踪迹 困境总是不期而至
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots
Another day another door
又一天 另一扇门
Another high another low
又一个高峰 又一个低谷
Rock bottom rock bottom rock bottom
I'm going back to my roots