求高手 汉英翻译

Time can be lost, but we can't change, still chanting our hero's name. Million between jersey converge to a huge shirt
You are gradually immerse oneself among them, I use the charm of football you deeply attracted. Are you let us in the stands sing aloud, you may know that the south stand of blue is the colour of heroes, plus our songs can change the world.

Time can be lost, but we can't change, still chanting our hero's name. Million between jersey converge to a huge shirt

You are gradually immerse oneself among them, I use the charm of football you deeply attracted. Are you let us in the stands sing aloud, you may know that the south stand of blue is the colour of heroes, plus our songs can change the world
希望LZ满意之后采纳下(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……

Time can be lost, but we will not change, keeping chanting our hero's name. Millions of jersey converge to be a huge shirt. You are gradually immersed among them, I use the charm of football to attract you deeply. It is you that let us in the stands sing aloud, do you know that the south stand of blue is the colour of heroes, together with our songs they can change the world.


地址 address
走错路 take a wrong way // walk a wrong way
细心地小心地 carefully, attentively
步行 go on foot , walk
下班 go / come off work // go / come (home) from work

Abstract: dense population, short supply of urban land property, insufficient greening target aim, prominent heat island effect, and worsening urban ecological environment are the consequences of urbanization. Roof greening, as a new way which doesn't directly use soil to carry out greening, to some extent, improved the urban greening environment. As a result, Green Roof is attracting more and more people's attentions today when urban environment severe concern. It has significant meaning to increasing urban greening and improve urban ecological environment by roof greening through effective measures and scientific methods.

Key words: roof greening, type, effect Nanning City, stratergy
望采纳 纯手工翻译 绝对不会让你失望