
国家的单词翻译: country

形式: 名词


the People's Republic of China (中华人民共和国)

a sovereign state (主权国家)

a member state (成员国)

a developed country (发达国家)

a developing country (发展中国家)

含义解释: 国家 (country) 是指拥有政治权力和管理一定领土范围内的人民团体所组成的社会政治组织。通常由政府机构、司法机构、执法机构和军队等构成。

语法详解: 作主语,表语,或宾语。多用于描述一个与政治、文化、历史、经济、地理等方面有关的概念。


中国是一个拥有 56 个民族的国家。 (China is a country with 56 ethnic groups.)

日本是一个岛国。 (Japan is a country that is composed of islands.)

俄罗斯是联合国的常任理事国之一。 (Russia is one of the permanent members of the United Nations.)

瑞典是一个发达国家。 (Sweden is a developed country.)

非洲有许多发展中国家。 (There are many developing countries in Africa.)


Our country has made great progress in economic development. (我们国家在经济发展上取得了巨大进步。)

She is proud of her country's rich cultural heritage. (她为自己国家丰富的文化遗产感到骄傲。)

The president's speech outlined the country's plans for environmental protection. (总统的演讲概述了国家的环保计划。)

The country's independence was achieved after a long struggle. (在经历了漫长的斗争之后,我们国家终于实现了独立。)

The education system in our country is undergoing reforms to better meet the needs of students. (我们国家的教育体系正在进行改革,以更好地满足学生的需求。)


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