




Dirty Vegas
Home Again

I walk the lines between heaven and hell,
and I can’t describe how you make me feel.

How you make me feel
how you make me feel
how you make me feel
so let me walk you home again..
home again.

And I hung around with a burned-out crowd.
And I fell into all those mischievous ways.

Now you make me feel
now you make me feel
now if this is real, let me walk you home again..
home again.

All my life I’ve waited for you to arrive..
now I’ll never let you out of my sight.
And if this is real..
and if this is real
and if this is real, then let me walk you home again.

I never knew what it could be like..
what I wouldn’t do to have you by my side.

How you make me feel
and how you make me feel
can you see how you make me feel?
so let me walk you home again.

And all my life I’ve waited for you to arrive..
Now I’ll never let you out of my sight..
And if this is real
and if this is real
and if this is real, then let me walk you home again.

Ba da da da da
ba da da

Negative Things - Mr Selwyn
Listen baby
I wonder why sometimes we fall apart oh yeah

Together we are so wonderfull yeah baby

And every single day i pray,

that really things shouldn't never be this way

Im only trynna be a better man

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?
Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you say to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,
how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

All the time everybody say that you and me are over

But i know were meant to be together for eternity

Was it untrue what we promised eachother?
Baby my heart keeps telling me

That it shouldn't be this way forever
Im only trynna be a better man

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me,
all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,

how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Girl remember when, we made our promices?
That we would be together through-out every single thing
Now im only trynna be a better man,
but you've never noticed that
Girl i truely love, to be around you
And baby I'll give you anything you want me to

Cos i know this might be hard for you,
And i know that we will be

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things,
how it used to be, girl you know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?

Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be
Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you
know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

Why then do you see all the negative things, in me?
Cos all i ever do is try to be, all that i can be

Girl you know your hurting me, all the things you pray to me
As i lie at night im imagining things, how it used to be, girl you
know your hurting me

What am i to do with a broken heart?

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