
Last week our music teacher taught us a song, named Indebted Heart. Through it I know that we should live with a thankful heart. At that time, I think of my parents. I think they are the first people I should thank. It’s them who give me life. It’s them who give me home. It’s them who bring me up. It’s them who look after me. It’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. I should thank my parents giving me so much. Maybe I should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. But now I think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when I grow up. 上周我们的音乐老师教了我们一首歌,叫感恩的心。通过这首歌我知道我们应该怀着一颗感恩的心去生活。在那时,我想起了我的父母。我认为他们是我最应该感谢的人。是他们给了我生命。是他们给我一个家。是他们抚养我长大。是他们在照顾我。是他们教给我知识,给了我幸福快乐的生活。我要感谢我的父母给了我这么多。也许我应该考虑如何回报父母给我的一切。但现在我觉得感谢我父母的最好的方法就是好好学习,长大后做一个对社会有用的人。   last week our music teacher taught us a song, named indebted heart. through it i know that we should live with a thankful heart. at that time, i think of my parents. i think they are the first people i should thank. it’s them who give me life. it’s them who give me home. it’s them who bring me up. it’s them who look after me. it’s them who teach me knowledge and live happily. i should thank my parents giving me so much. maybe i should think how to pay back the love my parents give me. but now i think the best way to be appreciated of my parents is to study well and then being a useful person to the society when i grow up. 上周我们的音乐老师教了我们一首歌,叫感恩的心。通过这首歌我知道我们应该怀着一颗感恩的心去生活。在那时,我想起了我的父母。我认为他们是我最应该感谢的人。是他们给了我生命。是他们给我一个家。是他们抚养我长大。是他们在照顾我。是他们教给我知识,给了我幸福快乐的生活。我要感谢我的父母给了我这么多。也许我应该考虑如何回报父母给我的一切。但现在我觉得感谢我父母的最好的方法就是好好学习,长大后做一个对社会有用的人。   Thanksgiving parents, filial piety parents is the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. The ancients cloud: "who play inch grass heart, reported to the three inches across?" Parents give us life, gave us a good living environment. 孝顺父母感恩父母,是中华民族的传统美德 。古人云:“谁演寸草心,报的三寸晖?”父母赐给了我们生命,赐给了我们良好的生活环境 My parents are very painful, I remember a stormy night, bean big rain to *** ash the window cracked. At that night, I suddenly shook to whole body after wake up the sleeping mother, a mother took out a thermometer, 39 degrees. At this point it out, hurriedly wake up dad, dad went to the kitchen for fever and water, and after I take, then lying in bed, absently fell asleep. When I woke up, opened his eyes and found parents still beside me watching, there is a kind of say a feeling in my heart. I really thank my parents very much. 我的父母很疼我,记得一次风雨交加的夜晚,豆大的雨点儿噼噼啪啪地砸着窗户。就在那天晚上,我突然发起抖来,浑身直颤,惊醒了熟睡中的妈妈,妈妈拿出体温计一看,39度多。此时就慌了神,连忙叫醒了爸爸,爸爸去厨房拿来退烧药和水,我服下后,便躺在床上,迷迷糊糊地睡着了。等我睡醒一觉后,睁开眼睛,发现父母还在我旁边守护着,心里就有一种说不出的感觉。我真是太谢谢我的父母了。 Drips of tu, when yongquan, the world's largest kindness, is the parents' support. Is worth we use to cherish life, with a sincere heart to appreciate, with practical action to gratitude. 滴水之恩当涌泉相报,世上最大的恩情,莫过于父母的养育之恩。值得我们用生命去珍爱,用至诚的心去感激,用切实行动去报恩。   感恩父母 Be Grateful to Our Parents I consider my parents as the most important people in my life. This is not because they re wealthy or famous. Rather, what I value about most is the care and love they show to me. 我认为我的父母是我生命中最重要的人。这并不是因为他们有钱或有名的。相反,我最珍惜的是他们给我的关心和爱。。 My parents might work hard, but they re always there for me. Whenever I get into trouble and desperately need a hand, they e over first to support me and encourage me. I grew up with their constant care and love. While they re getting older with grey hair and wrinkles, they never lose dignity in both life and jobs. 我父母虽然努力工作,但他们总是陪在我身边。每当我陷入困境,迫切需要帮助时。他们是第一个支持我、鼓励我的人。我在他们不断的爱和照顾中长大。当他们变老而且出现白发和皱纹时,他们也永远不会失去生活和工作的尊严。 From my parents, I have learned that one person can really make a difference. I ll never fet their care and love. Gratefulness brings a great fullness to life. I wish they could always be happy and healthy. It is high time we expressed our gratitude to people we cherish! 你从我的父母身上,我知道一个人真的可以有所作为。我永远也不会忘记他们的关怀和爱。感恩使生活带来了的充实。我希望他们能永远幸福和健康。是时候我们要向我们珍惜的人表达我们的谢意了!   we all know ,our health and skin is from parents.since us get to the word ,we had began receive care about and attend ,which from parents.so,we should owe our parents.To thanksgive their care and concern for our.Parents devoted their all life to care childrens , Hard every day to earn money on the outside is to be able to give their children a better life so that early white head.As the saying goes, Nothing is as touching as parents' love; parents' love is universal and selfless.Therfore,we re should more thanksgiving our parentsfor ttheir devote.我们都知道,我们的身体发肤受之于父母。自我们来到这个世界,我们就不断接受来自父母的甘心和照顾。所以我们要感恩父母,感恩他们对我们的照顾与关心。父母一生都在为子女操劳,每天在外面辛苦挣钱都是为了能够给自己的孩子更好的生活以至于早早白了头。常言道;可怜天下父母心。所以,我们更应该感恩父母。感恩他们为我们发出的所有。


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