
读音:with /wið /.
month /mʌnθ/
sixth /sɪksθ/


than this with month.这几个单词那个th发音与其他单词不同。为什么?做这些题目有什么技巧,方法?~


there mouth with mother这句话在日常的口语对白当中,mouth with 中的th不发音的,通常情况下会弱化。

  • 七年级上册英语单词表
    3. month 月;月份n.4. January 一月;正月n.5. February 二月n.6. March 三月n.7. April 四月...22. sixth 第六num.23. seventh 第七num. 24. eighth num.第八25. ninth num.第九26. ...with 和……在一起;带有;使用sport 体育运动them (they 的宾格)他(她;它)们only 只;仅like 喜欢...

  • July is the six month of the year.这句话中哪个词错了
    是 sixth month 第六个月 July is the sixth month of the year

  • 七年级上册英语单词有哪些?
    第八单元单词及短语1. when (疑问副词)什么时候;何时adv.2. birthday 生日n.3. month 月;月份n....22. sixth 第六num.23. seventh 第七num. 24. eighth num.第八25. ninth num.第九26. ...27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)29. actor n....

  • 连词成句:June,sixth,year,of,the,a,is,month
    June is thesixth month of a year.六月是一年的 第六个月份。

  • 人教版!七年级上册英语单词表
    3. month 月;月份n.4. January 一月;正月n.5. February 二月n.6. March 三月n.7. April 四月...22. sixth 第六num.23. seventh 第七num. 24. eighth num.第八25. ninth num.第九26. ...27. with prep.与…在一起;和;使用…;有28. favorite adj.& n.最喜爱的(东西)29. actor n....

  • 6th英语怎么读?
    例句:1、It is the sixth month in a row in which imports have fallen.这是进口量持续下降的第6个月了。2、The company yesterday shed a sixth of its workforce.这家公司昨天裁掉了1\/6的员工。6th的近义词:six 英 [sɪks]美 [sɪks]num. 六,六个 n. 六,六个 复数...

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  • 求布莱尔在“2008奥运 冠军论坛”上演讲的演讲稿
    At a certain point you have to step forward, with an insecure terrain beneath your feet.What this means is that you must also be prepared to fail. This is the sixth and possibly the toughest quality of all. The strange irony of the champion is that the champion must be able to live ...

  • 翻译翻译求翻译!!

  • 六月的雅名是什么
    where October was the first month of the year, making June the sixth month.六月有许多雅称,如夏月、蒲月、暑月等,其中最常见的是“夏月”。这个名称与六月的炎热天气和难耐的酷暑相符,也符合人们对夏季的普遍印象。另外,“蒲月”这个称谓也很有特色。据说古人认为蒲草在六月开花,因此将这个月称...