
一个声音让一只牡蛎很烦, 不过一个噪音只让一只牡蛎更烦。




Jane Austen, the writter of the classical novel Pride and Prejudice ,from an accurate view of female,shows the female who is always in edge of society and lower status to the puplic, gives a rational thinking about the status,the right and the talent of female ,explains masculinity and expresses an initiative and clear conscious of female. (并列谓语结构)
Various feminine characters created in this novel highlight the heroine's feminine conscious for dignity,equality and freedom ,and these images are still admirable nowadays.
This article stresses the arounsing of feminine conscious in history of feminine literature and affrims trailblazing contributions made by Jane Austen for the foundation of feminine writting traditions through analysis of these female characters and several male supporting roles.

Hi Mike, I'm going to go on holiday, I hope you can help take care of my cat, every day with fish and milk feed the cat 3 times. Bath every day to help cats. 字数限制,不够写了

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