
求英语48个国际音标的书写格式 最好是写出来发图~


长元音 ɑ: ɔ: ɜ: i: u:
短元音 ʌ ɒ ə ɪ ʊ e æ

双元音ɪə eə ʊə əʊ aʊ
eɪ aɪ ɔɪ
轻辅音p t k f θ s
浊辅音b d g v ð z
轻辅音 ʃ h ts tʃ tr
浊辅音 ʒ r dz dʒ dr
鼻音 m n ŋ
半元音 j w 边音 ǀ


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    I have a dream that I will be young for ever, and then I will have enough energy to do the things which I want to do. I will go to the place which I want to go, see different people and scenery and there are friends everywhere. I will go shopping, drink afternoon ...

  • 急求助英文高手——查理与巧克力工厂 观后感翻译
    "Guicai," director Tim Burton's masterpiece - "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."Mainly on the film: One day, Willy Wang card, announced a notice, he will open five lucky children a "mystery and magic" and the Chocolate Factory. Apart from being visited factories, they can ...

  • 急急急!跪求英语高手为我翻译英文句子,不可以用翻译器,分一定给你...
    楼主多给点分吧,也太少了,20句工作量挺大呀,眼睛都花了。1.疾病常常是由于饮食过量而引起的。Disease is usually caused by overeating.2.我们都做些让步吧。我给你打九五折。Let's make some concession. I will give you 5% off discount.3.很抱歉,我不能同意你再降价5%的要求。I'm ...

  • 急急急!请英文高手帮我把下列条款改成英文。
    1.交货时间:在收到货款后5到7个工作日内,Delivery Date: Within 5 to 7 working days after receipt of payment 交付方式:由卖方通知买方安排人员上门提货。Delivery Terms: Seller informs buyer to take delivery of goods 2.赠送1把平口钳。Present a parallel-jaw vice as a gift ...

  • 求英文高手!写作文…谢谢,急急急急
    Teachers and parents all like him very much,and very popular by students,he is my study example.我有个同学叫张冰,他上课听讲认真所以他学习很好,他喜欢交朋友,每个人也喜欢和他做朋友,他喜欢运动,尤其喜欢踢足球,所以他看起来健康又强壮,最重要的是,他喜欢做家务。老师和家长都很喜欢他...

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    另一方面的缺点就是私家车增多,导致空气污染增重、交通拥堵、能源短缺。【英文】With the development of the times, the development of the automobile industry is particularly rapid, and now China's private car is also more and more. There are advantages and disadvantages, in my opinion. ...

  • 拜求 英文自我介绍 翻译 [急急急10点之前]
    I gradated from Technology University of Changsha, with a Bachelor’s degree in 港口航道与海岸工程专业(专业名称你自己翻译比较好)。(英语过4级就不要显摆了)I was awarded the Honor of Excellent Students in University twice (一定要强调这点)。(实习经验也很重要,也要强调,考官也很...

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