后街男孩的if i don't have you的后面一小段高潮的合音中AJ唱的那几句歌词是什么???

If I don't have you(Nick:If I don't have you, Don't know what to)
To hold on to(AJ:Just wanna hold you)
I can't go on(Nick:I can't go on)
This world alone(AJ:This world alone)
Baby it's true(Baby it's true,if I don't have you)
If you said goodbye(Nick:If you said said goodbye)
Girl I would die(AJ:I would die if I don't have you)
I'm a star with no night
A day with no light
If I don't have you

曲名:If I Don't Have You 歌手:Backstreet Boys 专辑:kdbtest

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If I Don't Have You
Every day girl I will go and pray
That you'll come back home
And don't take too long
Cause since you've been gone
Everything's gone all wrong
I wish you were here
Holding me near
You know I'd go
Out of my mind
If you ever left
My heart beats high
So I'm begging you please
Bring your sweet love back to me (please come back to me)
If I don't have you (don't have you)
To hold on to (to hold on to)
I can't go on
In this world alone
Baby it's true
If I don't have you
If you said goodbye (you said goodbye)
Girl I would die (girl I would die)
I'm a star with no light
A day with no night
If I don't have you
Late at night
I reach to hold you tight
But you're not there (you're just not there baby)
I know you still care (I know you still care)
And all I need
Your softy love, lovely kiss
You give to me (to me)
So tenderly
Will you still feel
The time will stand still
When I see you, baby you will
So hurry home
You know you made me just so
If I don't have you (don't have you)
To hold on to (to hold on to)
I can't go on
In this world alone
Baby it's true
If I don't have you
If you said goodbye (you said goodbye)
Girl I would die (girl I would die)
I'm a star with no light
A day with no night
If I don't have you
If I don't have you (don't have you)
To hold on to (to hold on to)
I can't go on
In this world alone
Baby it's true
If I don't have you
If you said goodbye (you said goodbye)
Girl I would die (girl I would die)
I'm a star with no light
A day with no night
If I don't have you
If I don't have you (don't have you)
To hold on to (to hold on to)
I can't go on
In this world alone
Baby it's true
If I don't have you
If you said goodbye (you said goodbye)
Girl I would die (girl I would die)
I'm a star with no light
A day with no night
If I don't have

后街男孩if i don't have you的歌词中文翻译~


宝贝 每天早晨我醒来都会祈祷 你能早点回来
因为自从你离开后 事情都变得一团糟
多么希望你还在这 离我那么近

你知道如果你不在 我会发狂 我的心狂跳
所以我求求你了 带着你甜蜜的爱回来吧(回到我的身边)

你是让我坚持的力量 如果没有你
宝贝 这是真的
如果没有你 如果你对我说再见

深夜里 我伸出手想要抓住你 但你却不在那
你给我的温柔的可爱的吻 是那么体贴
当我再见到你的时候 你还会感觉时间静止了吗
宝贝 你会的

你知道没有你 我会疯狂的



show me the meaning of being lonely(这首歌很伤,里面包含了后街成员的经历)
it's gotta be you(自认为这首歌和适合做铃声)
shape of my heart(经典、不用说)
something that i already know(这首歌我第一次挺有似曾相识的感觉)
straight through my heart(新专主打、更不用说,我们班有好多人迷这首新歌)
the answer to our life(也是一首很好听的歌)
the call(蓝与黑一首很不错的歌)
the one(这首歌为了回报歌迷专门截了演唱会片段支撑MV)
this is us(新专同名歌,真假声变换,很是销魂)
treat me right(个人喜欢高潮部分)
what makes you different(同样的一首好歌,我妈的闹铃)
yes i will(情歌哦!哦!哦!)
all i have to give(MV很好看那)
all of your life(新专里我挺喜欢这首歌的)
any other way(这首也不错)
anywhere for you(这是我学会的第5首英文歌哦)
as long as you love me(不用说、经典)
bigger(后街说这首歌有i want it that way的感觉)
bye bye love(我们班有一同学超迷这首歌)
climbing the walls(BB大人主音,很好听哦)
everybody(很多场演唱会都用这首歌开场,像新专this is us就是这首开的场)
get another boyfriend(这首歌的歌词可以在适时借鉴)
get down(经典、被杜德伟翻唱成发烧,还是很多台湾艺人学会的第一首英文歌如杨丞琳)
helpless when she smile(经典的演绎)
how did i fall in love with you(个人很爱这歌,HH和BB主音下载下来之后接着就学会了,被she翻唱成远方)
i need you tonight(尼克主音)
i promise you(哈!又是一首自认为很情的歌)
i want it that way(神曲、不用说)
if i don't have you(第二张专辑里的一首很好听的慢歌)
if i knew then(新专第三主打)
i'll be there for you(这歌很好听哦)
i'll never break your heart(呀!又一个经典)
inconsolable(这首歌BB唱的cause baby曾震惊全场,引来一阵尖叫)
it's true(柔中带刚的一首歌)
just want you to know(流行摇滚,这首歌的MV很雷人,是美式幽默)
larger than life(MV很棒哦~被同学拿来做铃声,因为开头AJ桑笑得很惊人)
like a child(个人认为最后一部分高潮被BB演绎得很棒,高潮这也是我的铃声)
lose it all(开始NN的声音很沉醉)
love will keep you up all night(不错的一首歌哦)
missing you(又是一首适合做铃声的歌)
more than that(完美的呈现)
not for me(也被台湾艺人翻唱过,不过忘了是谁了)
panic(go,stop and go~~)
quit playing games(经典、还是不用说)
safest place to hide(HH唱的you are safest place to hide很迷人)
i still(又是一首很棒的流行摇滚)
if you knew what i knew(个人也比较喜欢)
nowhere to go(虽然这首歌不长,但也非常之好听,现在正在寻找能做铃声的下载)
there's us(开头轻飘飘的感觉,很好听)
christmas time(高潮是我的短信铃声,同样之好听)
the perfect fan(这是唱给妈妈的,很感人,里面没有nick的声音,因为尼克的妈妈伤他伤得太深,他唱不出口)
never gone(这是Kevin写给死去爸爸的歌,很感人!很好听)
best that i can(新歌一首,我还没听,但听说很好听呢我也正准备听,但百度好像还没有下载,听厚铁们说Q音有了,这是一个关于这首歌录制的时候的一个视频http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XOTc4MTAwNjQ=.html)
back to your heart(完美的和声)
i wanna be with you(这首歌很有趣)
in pieces(一首从同学那淘来的很好听的歌)
love is(这首歌也不错哦)
movin' on(虽然这首歌很慢很清,一直在重复,但还是很动听)
over hevr(又是一首好听的歌)
spanish eyes(这首歌的高潮同样是我的铃声)
nobody but you(Kevin主音,别人都觉得这个不是很好听,但是我觉得挺好听的、Kevin的声音其实很有磁性哦~)

brian littrell的
my answer is you
welcome home(you)
we life you up
和nick carter的
do i have to cry for you
help me
who needs the world
teenage wildlife